Viviane Hänni
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Founder of the PLEROMA Educational Center
for an Integrated Spirituality (CEPSI).
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Pastor, neurolinguistic practitioner, theologian, coach, she promotes the formation of individuals and groups, in order to promote a Judeo-Christian spirituality integrating the body, the psyche and the deep heart, as well as inner healing. Living a faith congruent with his personal life mission and contributing with his gifts and passions to the Body of Christ in a relevant way in the 21st century is the constant object of his commitment and his joy.
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Pastor in Geneva, lecturer in theology at Walla Walla College in the USA, director of camps for twelve years of International Sessions of Prayer and Dance for Praise and Peace, she is certified coach of the LifePlanTM method of Tom Paterson (1996) and Life Purpose Coaching Centers International® (2006). She has a Doctorate in Philosophy of Religion (Liturgy and Leadership) and a Masters in Theology.
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Currently, she is establishing in collaboration with Katie Brazelton and a team of coaches, her own school of existential and spiritual coaching in conjunction with the opening of one of the 200 coaching centers offered by Katie Brazelton's ministry (Life Purpose Coaching Centers International® ).
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Viviane Haenni lives most of the time near Geneva, in order to contribute to the spiritual awakening of both Switzerland and France. She cherishes four nieces and nephews. Walking on the mountains, creating original liturgies and klezmer music fascinates her. His favorite texts from the Bible (Isaiah 54, Psalm 27, Ezekiel 1, 37, 48 and the Gospel of John) base his practice and inspire him to write a book in preparation on the Song of Songs.
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"The vast majority of individuals are corpses of humanity and the real problem - as I keep saying - the real problem is not whether we will be alive after death, but whether we will be alive before death. the death. »Maurice Zundel